ACT Government Initiatives

Ride and Walk Safely to School

The ride and walk to school initiative aims to increase walking, cycling and the use of public transport among students in the A.C.T. Charles Conder Primary has participated in this program since 2014 and has numerous bikes, helmets, maintenance support, personal safety sessions, road safety education, BMX skills development workshops and a range of other activities.

Fresh Tastes

Fresh Tastes is a free and optional service available to any school in the ACT. The service can help schools implement the ACT Public School Food and Drink Policy 2015 and the NHSCG by providing a range of resources, training, advice and assistance. Fresh Tastes is provided by ACT Health with the support of the wider ACT Government and local community and business organisations to ensure healthy food at school can be sustained in the long term. ACT schools are invited to get involved by contacting Fresh Tastes.